
When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit.~ Goraksasathakam

Em’s Experience

In 2021 I studied The Oxygen Advantage method of functional breathing which confirmed scientifically what the yogi’s have always said, ‘less is more’. We breathe without thinking and due to our lifestyle and unacknowledged habits it can easily become dysfunctional. But our breath really is the best free tool we have to optimise health! By understanding the effects of breathing less and tools we can integrate into our lives, we can improve our mental and physical health. 

When working with clients I’m passionate about teaching how we can utilise our breath to be the most efficient with the least effort. Incorporating breathwork into your life has benefits ranging from improving athletic performance to reducing anxiety and overwhelm.  You may have a specific physical dis-ease in the body that you’d love help addressing, or your business may be looking for a group experience especially if you are interested in upskilling and nurturing your team holistically

Our lives are endlessly full, so moments of pause and connection can really become priceless. Learning how to do this to improve mental alertness and reduce daily stress is another huge ‘why’ behind this work.

I run one off and reoccurring workshops in a corporate or group setting, This knowledge and practice has life changing capacity and I can’t wait to share it with you!

  • Oxygen Advantage , Advanced Instructor training in Functional breathing, Patrick McKeown and Dean Gladstone

  • Power of the Breath 5 week online immersion

  • Ongoing Pranayama Studies immersed in Yoga training

Reach out

Feel free to get in touch to learn more about my rates and services—I’m here to answer any questions and help you get started!

  • "The way you breathe affects every system, organ, and cell in your body. It boosts or reduces your immunity, supports the movement of your joints right from your core, and can help regulate conditions from high blood pressure to back pain, and PMS to chronic fatigue.’"

    Oxygen Advantage

  • "If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to simply learn how to breathe correctly. "

    ~Dr. Andrew Weil

  • "When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace."

    ~ Author Unknown